
Protestival 2010

This years MardiGrass is excited in anticipation of the inevitable change in attitude towards cannabis use which is coming our way. You may not have heard but a third of Europe and half of America has all but legalised the once sacred plant and one of the leading exponents of the change, Dr Bob Melamede from Colorado, is coming to MardiGrass to speak to us on the anti-ageing and anti-cancer properties of the endocannabinoids that Australian prime ministers keep insisting are driving us crazy. We invited Kevin Rudd of course, if only he’d come.

( full story … Protestival 2010 )


CLOG ☼ 2010 NEWSLETTER VOL3. containing 1. CLOG ☼ 2010 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: Part 1. 2. CLOG ☼ 2010 GUIDE TO [not] GETTING BUSTED at MardiGrass. by James (Jim) Moylan, LEXUS Secretary. The Civil Liberties Observer Group for the MardiGrass of 2010 is a joint community action being hosted by the LEXUS Union of Students of Southern Cross University on behalf of and in partnership with the Nimbin Justice Action Group, the MardiGrass Organising Body, and the Hemp Embassy of Nimbin: towards assisting in the non-violent realisation of peace and harmony via organised and informed prudential observation. all violence is counter-productive informed observers make better coppers better coppers make fewer arrests CLOG ☼ 2010 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: Part 1.

( full story … CLOG-2010-Volume-3 )

Michael Balderstone at SCU

Australian Drug Law and a civil society A symposium held at Southern Cross University in February 2010. Michael Balderstone of the Nimbin HEMP Embassy speaks about his experiences in Nimbin from his view on the street. The war on drugs is a big blunder. Pain management is big money and the pharmacuetical companies have it all tied up. Opium, Coca and Cannabis have been removed from the list of available medication. Social disrespect for the unjust drug laws is a significant problem. More jails are built each year to incarcerate victims of prohibition. The story Michael tells is brilliantly supported with relevant images edited skillfully.

( full story … Michael Balderstone at SCU )

The Law is the Crime

Teenagers today face many pressures and run the risk of having little or no faith in democracy. If President Obama was caught smoking Cannabis then he would have a different job now, or be in prison. Obama smoked Cannabis and did not get caught, as he confessed.

( full storyThe Law is the Crime )


Hello to all CLOG ☼ 2010 participants, THE FIRST CLOG MEETING WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY THE 24th OF APRIL AT MIDDAY at 11 Pine St North Lismore. There will be a training session and a discussion about the Rules of Engagement that will be employed during the event. We might even have our tee shirts ready to go! We have a CLOG HQ!

( full story … CLOG TWO )


BIG JOINT and the Nimbin POLITE FORCE in Byron Bay for a walk on the main beach. Good Friday 2009 and the Easter weekend is when the Bluesfest is held and the opportunity to promote Medical Marijuana and the annual rally for Cannabis law reform, Nimbin MardiGrass on the first weekend of May.

( full story … BIG JOINT at Byron Bay )

Cannabis Treatment

In 1990, the cannabinoid receptor was first discovered in the human brain and by 1992 the entire endocannabinoid system had been uncovered. With this, science glimpsed the potential medicinal benefits of marijuana for the first time. Since then these potential medicinal uses have been well documented. According to Harm Reduction Journal’s report titled “Harm Reduction – The Cannabis Paradox”, cannabinoids “regulate intercellular communication, especially in the immune and nervous systems,” as well as “modulate and coordinate tissues, organ and body systems (including cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, excretory, immune… and respiratory systems).”

( full storyCannabis Treatment )

Justice Action Group

The Nimbin Justice Action BBQs are all about exotic sausages and chicken kebabs sizzling alongside onion rings and chops. But with added bite-sized chunks of legal information with one simple down-to-earth message for each Saturday morning BBQ. 2010 MardiGrass Saturday May 1st 11.00 am – JAG BBQ Justice Action Group – Legal Advice and Theatre. If you have a history of interaction with the police, this is the event for you!

( full story … Justice Action Group )


LEAP's Annual Report

Founded in 2002 by five cops, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) is run and represented solely by those who fought on the front lines of the “war on drugs” and who know firsthand that prohibition only worsens drug addiction and street violence. Today, LEAP has more than 30,000 supporters including police, prosecutors, judges, FBI/DEA agents, corrections officials, military personnel and civilians. LEAP has members in 76 countries and its 100 speakers have helped to put a credible face on the modern anti-prohibition movement by giving more than 5,500 presentations to civic groups, public officials, members of the media and others. More information about LEAP is online at:

( full story … LEAP’s Annual Report )

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