
Nimbin’s annual gathering of cannabis law reformers begins on MayDay, May 1st in Lismore with a march from the Court House at midday to deliver a message to the Police and local Politicians its time for a reality check on how we use and pay for the Nations Health. Big Pharma has everyone bluffed and we need to stand up to their greed. Who ever stands in the way of an epileptic childs seizures being stopped, almost instantly, with no side effects, is a very heartless and sick soul. But that is exactly what is happenning with Tony Bower locked up in Kempsey Court.




Welcome to Nimbin’s 21st annual MardiGrass gathering and rally for Cannabis law reform. Every year we come together to rally for these tragic, ignorant, appallingly rude and unholy laws to change. Change is coming.

( full storyLET MY PEOPLE GROW )

Mullaway in Court

Tony Bower Mullaways Medical Cannabis

MULLAWAYS MEDICAL CANNABIS JUDGED THIS TUESDAY IN KEMPSEY Supporters of Tony Bower and his medical cannabis tincture are driving to Kempsey this Sunday and Monday ( April 21/22 ) to finally witness his case being heard in Kempsey Court on Tuesday, after several false starts. Protestors will be assembling in front of the Court House at 9.30 am.

( full storyMullaway in Court )

Drug squad chief calls for softened penalties


When we heard on the news that the head of the NSW police drug squad, Detective Superintendent Nick Bingham, said he would like to see cautions given for all “use-possession-type drug offences”, we couldn’t believe our ears. Did someone spike the coffee?

( full storyDrug squad chief calls for softened penalties )

High Concentration MardiGrass


The annual MardiGrass rally for cannabis law reform on the first Sunday in May is causing some grief in the Nimbin community, which likely has the highest concentration of potheads in the land. It’s the villages 21st Cannabis law reform rally and gathering, over the weekend of May 4 and 5, and this year it’s at a new venue right in the middle of the town.

( full storyHigh Concentration MardiGrass )

2013 MardiGrass Comedy


The Nimbin MardiGrass Comedy Night on Saturday, May 4, 2013, will feature those Guardians of the High Way of Sport, Glover & Sorrensen, plus the Queen of Comedy, Mandy Nolan with other guests.

( full story2013 MardiGrass Comedy )

Australia21 Illicit Drug Policy Report

Australia21 Illicit Drug Policy Report

In September 2011 Australia21 appointed a steering group that included a number of Australian experts on illicit drug policy. Their task was to work towards an Australian review of the policy of prohibition and explore a different approach to illicit drugs in Australia. The group recommended a high level exploratory roundtable on the topic; What are the likely costs and benefits of a change in Australia’s current policy on illicit drugs?

( full storyAustralia21 Illicit Drug Policy Report )

Steady Eddy for MardiGrass Comedy

Steady Eddy for MardiGrass Comedy

The MardiGrass Comedy Show will fill the Nimbin Town Hall with laughs on Saturday night, May 5, when that master of wobbly mirth, Steady Eddy takes the stage. MardiGrass comedy has been part of the MardiGrass rally for many years now and has featured many famous Australian comedians.

( full storySteady Eddy for MardiGrass Comedy )

Defining Addiction

Defining Addiction

Addiction is unlikely with cannabis used as a medicine. The recommended dose is usually lower than that for recreational use. High dosages of medicinal cannabis taken over a longer period may lead to addiction. Quitting may then cause withdrawal symptoms, such as mild forms of restlessness, irritability, insomnia and nausea.

( full storyDefining Addiction )

Cannabis is Sativex is Cannabis

Cannabis is Sativex is Cannabis

Sativex is super strong, concentrated cannabis. Nothing more, nothing less. GW Pharmaceuticals would have you believe that it’s a “pharmaceutical” product because according to its research that’s what patients prefer. As the GW spokesman puts it, “It’s a pharmaceutical solution, formulated with the ability to deliver a precise dose and with stringent standards of quality, safety and efficacy”.

( full storyCannabis is Sativex is Cannabis )


One significant benefit of vaping CBD is that when vaporised, CBD oil enters the lungs and diffuses directly into the bloodstream instead of ingestion, which requires the CBD to pass through the gut and liver. Learn more on CBD Queen.

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