The annual MardiGrass rally for cannabis law reform on the first Sunday in May is causing some grief in the Nimbin community, which likely has the highest concentration of potheads in the land.
It’s the villages 21st Cannabis law reform rally and gathering, over the weekend of May 4 and 5, and this year it’s at a new venue right in the middle of the town.
President of the MOB (*MardiGrass Organising Body) Michael Balderstone says, “Organisers hope it will work even better than in the past as the amphitheatre arena is perfect for the popular HEMP Olympix events, the Growers Iron Person, Joint Rolling, and the Bong Throw. Also, MardiGrass will be easier we expect with everything contained in one venue now, which includes the Town Hall.”
“The problem is with the signature event, the Sunday Rally for law reform. Understandably the Ganja Faeries weren’t at all keen to start their dance routine going uphill from Peace Park so today we have applied to amend our DA and Rally applications and hopefully the changes will be accepted. Fortunately the local police are supportive of our new route where the Rally gathers and departs from the western carpark exit instead of Peace Park.”
“Everything else is on track for a big MardiGrass with new-found belief and enthusiasm for the law reform we have lobbied so long for, after watching America’s sweeping attitude changes towards cannabis use. Also, fingers crossed, the NSW Senate Report on Medical Cannabis is due out in mid May and we expect them to recommend to begin allowing legal medical pot. So change is in the air!”
There are two events prior to the MardiGrass weekend.
April the twentieth, 4:20 day, will be celebrated in Nimbin as usual with a non stop smoke signal of pot for peace and peace for pot dating back to the HEMP Bar starting its web camera on April 20th day in the year 2000 at 4:20 PM. This year we will be inflating the Big Joint for it’s pre MardiGrass test and then taking it for a POLITE run around the new MardiGrass site at “around “FourTwenty” (all welcome) so we can all see how photogenic the Big Joint looks in the Sativa Stadium or Plantem Park or the Cannadrome or what ever its called (bring your camera).
And midday on May 1st, Mayday, we are again marching like last year from the Lismore Court House to the Police Station, and then on to our local MP’s, Janelle Saffin and Thomas George’s offices, to deliver requests for them to support a fresh look at who loses if we re-legalise cannabis. Who loses and who benefits from cannabis prohibition? Questions our Politicians need to start asking themselves.
For the latest MardiGrass program
Other info…Nimbin HEMP Embassy

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