Welcome to Nimbin’s 21st annual MardiGrass gathering and rally for Cannabis law reform. Every year we come together to rally for these tragic, ignorant, appallingly rude and unholy laws to change.
Change is coming. The light at the end of the tunnel got a whole lot brighter when Colorado and Washington State in America both voted to re-legalise marijuana in their recent elections.
There is currently 18 States in America allowing medical Cannabis, with ten more in the pipeline. The dam has broken over there, and cracks are slowly but surely appearing here in Australia. President Obama and his unashamed enjoyment of Cannabis definitely helped break down the wall of ignorance as the Reefer Madness lie has finally been exposed for what it is.
Today the majority of Americans think marijuana should not be a criminal offence any longer. Similarly in Europe change is afoot especially on medical Cannabis. Here in NSW now, just as we are going to print, we hear Tony Bower of Mullaways Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd fame, who you will read about in the centre page program, has been given twelve months jail, may be out in nine months with good behaviour.
Bail was refused because of his long history with this most special of herbs. An appeal would still see him in jail till June. He will not be able to come to MardiGrass but the program remains the same as we know his followers will hold the fort for him.
The Magistrate said there is no provision in law for what he was doing and he felt obliged to give him a sentence in line with existing penalties! Medicine Man Tony has been distributing, free of charge, medical Cannabis tincture to several hundred people, most with cancer, for several years now with some extraordinary results.
Since Tony was on television in Queensland a few weeks ago in a story showing that his tincture had stopped a seven year old child from having her (Dravet Syndrome) epileptic fits, the HEMP Embassy has been receiving a dozen phone calls a day and people have been driving for hours to get here just in the hope of getting some of Tony’s medicine.
The girl featured (on the television program – link provided) had been suffering from debilitating seizures since she was six weeks old! Surely no one would want to stop her getting such relief?
Mullaway on Today Tonight
Significantly her parents discovered on the internet American parents in the same boat who were getting awesome results with their own children since Medical Cannabis became available there.
We desperately need some decent politician to put medical cannabis on the agenda confirming the healing powers of this plant. It’s not just hippies talking now, it’s on the internet and being embraced by people from all walks of life. Now that half of America has legal medical cannabis there are stories emerging daily of, not miracle cures, but cannabis cures for a number of ailments.
Every plant the Police took from the Mullaways medical crop was labelled for a patient and every patient has a doctors letter. He’s written countless letters and applications in years of trying to get a sane hearing from the authorities.
Tony promises his work will go on regardless and as more and more people take advantage of the knowledge on the internet on making your own tincture, it’s hard to argue with him. Tincture making workshops will be held on both days of MardiGrass and his incarceration just increases our resolve for justice.
Nimbin is home to hundreds of good people who have been in jail or have criminal records for loving this plant. For a long time Nimbin has been attracting individuals who, one way or another, have discovered Cannabis is a medicine that works for them.
They might have a terrible illness like epilepsy, or cerebral palsy, or Crohn’s disease or they get migraines or have arthritis or cancer or whatever, but they discover marijuana is like a magic pill with few negative side effects.
America’s laws have changed because the people kept demanding justice and a fair go, which is exactly why we gather at MardiGrass.
Please come and join our protest for what is the greatest social disaster of our time, the “war on drugs.”

‘Let my people grow’, Plantem.
Cannabis law reform rally and gathering.
May 4 & 5