Steady Eddy for MardiGrass Comedy

Steady Eddy for MardiGrass Comedy

The MardiGrass Comedy Show will fill the Nimbin Town Hall with laughs on Saturday night, May 5, when that master of wobbly mirth, Steady Eddy takes the stage. MardiGrass comedy has been part of the MardiGrass rally for many years now and has featured many famous Australian comedians.

( full storySteady Eddy for MardiGrass Comedy )

Defining Addiction

Defining Addiction

Addiction is unlikely with cannabis used as a medicine. The recommended dose is usually lower than that for recreational use. High dosages of medicinal cannabis taken over a longer period may lead to addiction. Quitting may then cause withdrawal symptoms, such as mild forms of restlessness, irritability, insomnia and nausea.

( full storyDefining Addiction )

Cannabis is Sativex is Cannabis

Cannabis is Sativex is Cannabis

Sativex is super strong, concentrated cannabis. Nothing more, nothing less. GW Pharmaceuticals would have you believe that it’s a “pharmaceutical” product because according to its research that’s what patients prefer. As the GW spokesman puts it, “It’s a pharmaceutical solution, formulated with the ability to deliver a precise dose and with stringent standards of quality, safety and efficacy”.

( full storyCannabis is Sativex is Cannabis )

Free Schapelle

Free Schapelle

There is an unfair land called Australia That gets involved in other peoples’ fights And masks its motives behind ‘human rights’ While its record in such is abject failure. Just as they hide aborigine genocide History and education side-by-side High priests of information Have distorted another nation.

( full storyFree Schapelle )

Cannabis Warning

Cannabis Warning

The dangerous consequences of ending Cannabis prohibition are far reaching and permanent. Loosing the war on drugs could have devastating effects on the fabric of society. This list presents some of the complex issues we face, if Cannabis prohibition is repealed.

( full storyCannabis Warning )

MardiGrass Unda Chaos

MardiGrass Unda Chaos

I discovered two of Pipes bush fairies in the Emporium stocking up on brown rice. Tinkerbell clung to me sobbing. “Pipe might die they said and he doesn’t care.” More sobbing. Apparently they found him halfway back from the patch, black with leeches. He’d taken his shirt off to scratch some off his back on the bark of a gnarly tree then got leeches in both eyes and headed back leaving his shirt behind. It was a tragic mistake. “Leeches were marching towards me bleeding back like an army,” he told me.

( full storyMardiGrass Unda Chaos )

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